26 December 2011

My apology!

Dear Family and Friends:

Re: "I am my own boss." a week or so ago, I was hacked. Someone captured all my email addresses and used them to send a personal message from me advising you to subscribe to a work program. I sincerely appologize. I would never do anything like that. I am sure I have rectified the problem, so please don't worry about it infecting your  computer. IF something stupid like that were to occur again please disregard it.

Thank you,
Albert Eggen

Posted via email from hampighead's posterous

16 December 2011

Look what i found

Hola friend.
I knew things would never be the same again since I found this nothing has been the same now I an committed to this just imagine what it could do for you

Posted via email from hampighead's posterous

Just look...

Hi friend...
it was important for me to prove I could amount to something my expectations were more than exceeded ive committed myself to this imagine all that is possible

Posted via email from hampighead's posterous

15 April 2010

Technological Literacy Autobiography

15 April 2010

Decision time: whao-I want to do some much other than what the paramitors of the assignment given  us.
My immediate desire is to have a page I can use after the semester ends for my personal promotion of works in progress, autobiography etc. Thau suggessed I stick to the topic to get the web site working and then add my other desires at a later time. I don't have a clue at the moment as the way to do this. Much of my tech experience was forming an international company that dealt with the composting of Hospital, Military basis, Universities and Municipal buildings. So I am thinking because the business originaly created a web site that an interested customer could click into the home page and the click on any information or projects that were works in progress or complete. Other items as shipping, international rules for import export, that would make the propecttive customer comfortable with the product. As to pictures and items, I have many of the adds, projects and technology that was used. Including a kids book on worms published in the Canadian National Library. I have several patents as well on that technology. This may be off the point?

Perhaps this could be my opposition to wanting to learn about the internet at the time, I would just hire people or have my secretary show me something. I fought the new technology in as sense it was over my head, and that it took to much of my time when I could be writing the articles or be in the field.

I would hope that I can turn this web site into something useful at a later time. COMMENTS 

13 April 2010

Associatev Argument

I feel like editing my Technological Literacy Autobiography so that I could eventually turn the web page into a personal space to post my writing, or different events so those I wish to see a quick scan of my assets, and writing peices can do so quickly. That way I do not have to sound like I am bragging, and they can either choose to read different aspects of my life or choose a article I have written.

As the review of a new writing space/tool, I still have to finish that assignment.

As to the research paper, I did not want to post anything for security reasons. So, the choice is the first two.  

23 March 2010

Moving to posterous site

From now on, please check my Posterous account for the latest blog entries.

Cnsorship and Access to the WWW

Censorship and Access to the Wide Web World

My present interest is to help educate children in Vietnam and especially in remote villages. The thrust of the help is not so much teaching English, but to help in English pronunciation and communication through the internet. As was cited in a number of chapters of Literate Lives, those without computer access are less likely to be as literate as students with Web access.

Looking for subjects for my research paper I have come up with some possibilities: Is accessibility to the World Wide Web important to literacy in Asian Countries such as Vietnam and China? Is accessibility to the WWW more important than basic educational tools such as books, pencils, and paper? How does accessibility to the WWW affect literacy and politics? And, How is China and Vietnam’s present position of political censorship affect education.

Chapter 10 of Writing Space by Bolter titled ‘Writing Culture’ cites, “The Web becomes for us a metaphor for ways in which we function in our various communities” (203). Bruns, in BLOGGS, WIKIPEDI, SECOND LIFE, and BEYOND, in Chapter 13, Educating Produsers, Produsing Education, Produsage and the Academy speaks of “A casual collapse of established hierarchies and institutions is the typical outcome of a paradigm shift” (344). He is emphasizing the importance of the power of the WWW in our changing relationship with education in our communities the WWW. Without access to the WWW, then those without the access are at a disadvantage of keeping up educationally. He goes on to say that “An explicit embrace of produsage principle by educators is likely to increase the permeability of educational institutions, and teachers and learners will come to work more closely with produser communities in the wider knowledge space beyond academia” (350). Bolter in Chapter 10, speaks of the American culture that encourages the individual over the state community. Because Americans are freer they can associate with whoever they wish and what community they choose. Brun says, The (WWW) network is displacing the hierarchy” (204). He suggests the WWW has become sites for highly mediated versions of community…that allow individuals to talk back and talk to each other” (204).

In regulating or government censorship as China and Vietnam, are presently doing with Google and Facebook, Fred Rheingold in Virtual Community (1944), talks about liberating himself on a political level as well as a personal level. He goes on to state “The technology that makes virtual communities possible to bring enormous leverage to ordinary citizens…and most important political leverage” (pp.4-5). Bruns goes on to say “the Internet and Web as enabling new forms of community or democratic empowerment, there remains the key problem that the technology is not universally available” (205).

Both books emphasized the importance of the WWW in education, and politics.